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Congrats Dr. Holly Mansell

Lung Saskatchewan acknowledged by Dr. Holly Mansell in her recent publication

Submitted by sdriedger on 24 August 2023

Congratulations Dr. Holly Mansell and team on the recent publication Exploring the impacts of COVID-19 before lung transplantation: A qualitative study in the Canadian Journal of Respiratory, Critical Care, and Sleep Medicine. 

COVID-19 transformed the medical system drastically. Patients being assessed or waiting for a lung transplant have experienced significant distress, as medical services and scheduled surgeries have been delayed while their health continues to decline.

This study explored the potential impact of COVID-19 on access to healthcare and daily activities (e.g., physical and social activities), as well as coping and stress throughout the pandemic in patients who were being assessed or listed for lung transplant

Lung Saskatchewan was pleased to support this great research.